Has this ever happened to you guys. I'm sitting around looking at all my minis and going... meh. Some just because I am worn out on them, some because I just don't at all like the history attached to them ( Mine not the games. ) And your just left wondering, well what now?
This is kind of where I am. I like the two armies I have. But am just not in love with them. I am constantly looking for "that one" army that will reinvigorate me to the hobby, not just the game. Warriors did it for awhile. But, just like every other time, I am let lacking with them. Coolest minis out there, in my opinion, but not an "all phases" army. I really need something that can compete in a well rounded environment. I need fighting, magic and shooting to be really satisfied with an army. And warriors doesn't tick the checkboxes. A beast in combat but not really overwhelming in magic or shooting. So I am left sitting back and scanning.
The new dark elves look very promising. But I am going to hold off on anything until I see the new Dwarfs as well. I am very excited about them. Granted they have no magic. But have in the past had something to fill that phase. If this is still the case. And if the anti-magic holds, it may be a good new book. Time will tell.
Even if not, I can totally see me putting everything I own on Ebay right now. And would if not for the fact that would leave me unable to participate in the next few tournaments upcoming. If all else fails. Empire always did me well, and is still in my opinion one of the best tactical armies ever made for warhammer.
Just have to wait and see.