Got to try out a list with the new book today Vs. CB.
Since it was an off game I took a semi hard funny list to play around with some of the new stuff.
30 Nurgle warriors with halberds.
Festus with the unit to give it 5 up regen and poison attacks.
Archaon also in the unit because hes badass.
And a lvl 2 nurgle mage.
The rest of the army was 2 Chariots and 2 Chimeras.
All my punch was in that one unit. Figured it would be fun to see what it could do in combat.
CB brought the following,
2 grudge throwers
2 organ guns.
2 runelords with a power dice stealing rune and two dispel runes.
About 30 thunderers
A unit of crossbowman
A unit of longbeards about 40 strong with the lord on shieldbearers
Bsb with some random dwarf stuff.
Seriously man? This is a friendly list? I call BS. Book standard gunline build.
I did get to fight a bit, very little bit, since 70 % of my army got blown off the table before I could get over to his castle he had made in the corner to hide in.
Archaon did as expected. Although the amount of 1's I rolled to hit with him were pretty gross. The unit of warriors went from 30 to 12 before I ever got to fight. Still bloodied the nose of his warriors pretty well. But this game was over as soon as he deployed. I really had no way to compete with a gun line. I wasn't expecting him to bring that kid of list. So my single monsters and chariot all fell to cannon fire fairly easily.
Next time I will be ready, I always expect him to take more fluffy fun lists, but the last 4 or 5 have been pretty teeth kicking. So I am going to have to give in and respond in kind. Next time it will be filth vs filth. I won't be getting any more dwarf enemas, those days are done.
Unleash the filth .. the storm is coming..
Sounds like you got to hug a few ammo rounds from the dwarves on your way up to them. After the game it could have been good to have a pair up with your units against his just to see what the law of averages would do if you were in real combat with them. Just to see.
ReplyDeleteI know my unit, at full strength would have beaten anything he had. Eventually. But I just couldn't compete against the guns. I will make sure in the future I am ready for him. I will be taking much more balanced, heavy lists.