Monday, May 6, 2013

Well, haven't been here in awhile. So I will do a little catch up.

As of now I am working on my warriors. Getting ready for the upcoming Bayou Battles. This army will be amazing, to look at. Not so sure of how much I will be able to win. But this army will be great for comp points. I am converting almost every model in the army. And putting it all on custom bases. So have to re-base everything. Granted it is going to look amazing ( I hope ) but it is a IMMENSE amount of work. I have spent the last few weeks alone just redoing all the models I am going to be using. I have been trying my hand at green stuffing models as well. Re-sculpting the entire back and belly of a daemon prince, as well as filling in the gaps of the horrendous metal model. Also doing a bit on a hero and filling in the gaps of the hell cannon I put together.

This has been a huge amount of effort. BUT, I am really hoping to get a few extra points in the painting category this time. I have a huge amount of my army converted. I have 30 warriors a hell cannon a daemon prince and 2 chariots that are all unique. The only things I haven't tried to convert are my chimeras and hounds. This army will grab some attention on the table. I am not going to be posting any pics until everything is done. I don't want to give anything away at this point.

Hopefully this will give me the edge I m going to need to beat Casey at Bayou Battles. And hopefully it wil get him off his dead ass and actually painting something. Time will tell.


  1. I might have to just buy you the beer now with talk like that! I'm sure your painting will blast mine out of the water. I'm going to have 30 skellies to paint and a few more crypt horrors before I can be ready. Given how my army is though, I won't have much to really show off in terms of big unit pieces. Just to have everything painted on time will be a feat to accomplish.

  2. I prefer whiskey sours. BUT, wait til game day, you never know maybe I won't be able to get it all done. Or maybe it just won't be as good as I think it will. We won't know til' the painting scores are done and dusted at Bayou. Have faith man.
